Drum Mountain

Sound Therapy

Healing With Sound

Sound healing has been used since ancient times, from the Aboriginals (the first known people to heal with sounds) to the Egyptians (with their healing temples) and many more.

Our mind, body and soul are inter-connected. When any one of these is out of balance it can appear as a mental, emotional or a physical ailment. The purpose of sound therapy is to use the vibration of the sound to restore the person to better balance.

The benefits of sound therapy are;
physical & emotional healing, energy circulation, mind & body balance, improved self-confidence & self-esteem, sleep & relaxation, increased focus & productivity, stress relief and much more.

I work with the chakra energies which are the great power centres or wheels of energy within our body. The 7 main chakras are located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra contains our psychological, emotional and spiritual state of being.

Below are some of the sound therapy sessions I am currently offering. Please book on if you are interested by using the calendar below.
Or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Garden Flowers

1:1 Sound Therapy

1HR 45MIN | (Based in Leeds, UK)

Session includes an in-depth innerview of your current mental, emotional and physical state. Suggestions will be given in relation to what chakras may need re-balancing so you can achieve ease of mind and body. 

Sound therapy session may include all or some of the following; drumming, rattles, rain stick, toning, singing, sound bowls, tuning forks & chimes.

Just fill in the contact form below with any questions you may have and I'll respond within 48 hours. I look forward to working with you.

P.S. You can now purchase a 1-1 Sound Therapy Gift Voucher! Click the button below to find out more 🙂

Sound Therapy Gift Voucher