Chakra Posters
£15 £10

Chakra A3 Posters with Mantra and Affirmation.

Featuring hand-drawn chakra symbols created out of hundreds of circles by pen and coloured pencil, surrounded by a unique digital design.

✦ Mantras written around the chakra symbol representing the essence of the chakra, a beautiful reminder for you to affirm this energy in your life every day. Ideal to connect you deeper to your energy body as mandalas are an ancient tool for enhancing our meditation experience by giving us a clear focus point.

Add these poster to any room; above your alter, in a therapy room, living room etc - to allow the mantras and visual vibrations to flow through you and those who read and see it.

Please state which poster you'd like to purchase in checkout notes: 

Root Chakra (red)

Sacral Chakra (orange)

Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow)

Heart Chakra (green)

Throat Chakra (blue)

Third Eye Chakra (indigo)

Crown Chakra (violet)

Full set of 7 chakra posters also available at a discounted price of £40.

Made with love 🌿

❤ Also a perfect gift to uplift a friend or loved one.

🚚 Posters shipped in poster tube.

Size: A3 Poster Prints

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Click here to buy the full chakra poster set

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