About The Artist

To create and express authentically - that is the true essence of being an artist.
- Kim Ho

Art is a creative expression intertwined within our DNA. I believe everyone is creative, but to use this creativity to authentically express may not be as easy and I am still exploring this myself...

Ever since I can remember I have always loved drawing and been attracted to art and design related academia and jobs. My biggest inspiration from an early age was my mum. She drew a couple's portrait of Princess Diana and Prince Charles back in 1995, which my brother gifted to Prince Charles when he was visiting his school. During university, I was still exploring what I wanted to do as a career and ended up with a Masters in Product Design. I then found my talent in Graphic Design soon after, landing jobs within this field, but soon realising freelancing was the way to go. 

In 2023, my mum passed away from cancer, and whilst trying to process it all I decided to take a mighty leap into the artist / graphic design freelancing officially. My mum was a big catalyst in my life and she has inspired me to create and express authentically, not only for myself but to share it to the rest of the world.

Life is too short to not follow your dreams and your heart's calling. I am truly finding that intuitive instinct now more than ever before. I know that whatever work I create it was meant to be made, even just for pure expression. I trust in the universe and know the universe has my back too, I just need to believe in myself and in what I am doing to fulfil my purpose in every moment. 

I have a calling to share my creativity and guide others to do the same. Art is a beautiful way to let go and flow, getting out of our everyday thinking and embracing our intuition.

If we can tune in to the idea of making things and sharing them without being attached to the outcome, the work is more likely to arrive in its truest form.
- Rick Rubin

I've been working as a graphic designer for over 11 years now and the experiences I have had compliments my journey as an artist. (Please see graphic design page for more).

Within my artwork, I work with 7 main colours (similar to the colours of the rainbow), relating to the chakras; the energy centres within our body. Incorporating this with my love of nature, the elements and the knowledge of how energy flows (especially working with sound therapy), I have established a unique art style that is inspired by mother nature and spirituality. 

My artwork have often been called 'psychedelic', which refers to expansion of consciousness, inturn I hope my work can uplift and open your mind and heart.